Laser hair removal is becoming more and more popular among men and women. It is more effective, hassle-free, and cost-effective in the long run compared to other hair removal methods.

Unlike laser hair removal treatments, other methods like waxing, shaving, threading, sugaring, and so on need regular engagement. Women want hair-free skin on the body and face (except eyebrows), and men want a hassle-free beard-shaping experience. Men may also want their body hair, such as chest hair and pube hair, removed due for hygiene purposes or to prevent discomfort. 

The best skin specialist in Bangalore, Rajdeep Mysore, at Charma Clinic, explains laser hair removal is a prevalent cosmetic technique that provides a long-term solution to unwanted body hair and allows people to exhibit their hair-less skin at all times. Laser hair removal is the most cost-effective alternative compared to the effort and money invested in other hair removal procedures in a lifetime. 

It is performed on any hairy portion of the body. The most commonly treated locations for laser hair removal are the face (not the eye region), bikini line, legs, neck, chest, shoulders, arms, back, and underarms. This can also treat medical disorders such as hirsutism and hypertrichosis. Let’s dive deeper into other aspects of laser hair removal treatment. 

What is Laser Hair Removal Treatment?

This minimally painful procedure is done with the help of a device that emits concentrated laser lights. The light works with the black pigment present in hair. As soon as the laser light comes in contact with hair follicles, they get damaged without affecting the surrounding skin owing to the cooling agents doing their job. This non-invasive hair removal method is becoming popular as it helps remove hair from small and big parts of the body effectively. 

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Laser hair removal employs a technique known as selective photo thermolysis. Laser heat damages cells having a lot of melanin (color). Dark hair absorbs the greatest heat due to its high pigment content. Hair sends heat to the hair follicles, destroying them and preventing hair growth.

A hair follicle must be in its anagen stage (growth stage) for the technique to operate. Since follicles grow at various rates, most people require numerous laser treatments.

Who Should Get it Done? 

Anyone with extra body hair can get laser hair removal in Bangalore. However, it is necessary to consult a skin expert before getting one. All in all, people with the below-mentioned cases can get a laser hair removal treatment:

  • Individuals who want to get rid of excess hair need more time for a conventional hair removals method like waxing, threading, and shaving. 
  • Those who wish for a painless and long-lasting hair removal effect. 
  • Although people with light skin color are excellent candidates, people with dark complexions can also get this treatment. 
  • People are suffering from hypertrichosis and hirsutism. 

Who Should Not Get it Done?

The skin expert usually examines the person and suggests if the person is qualified to get laser hair removal done. Typically, people in the below-mentioned categories should avoid getting it done: 

  • If the individual is pregnant. 
  • They are taking specific medicines such as acne medicines.
  • Those who are prone to cold sore or have genital herpes. 
  • People with keloid scars. 
  • Those who currently have or have had cancer. 

Best Laser Hair Removal Methods

Among various laser hair removal treatments in Bangalore, three of them are prevailing in the market today: 

Intense Pulsed Light Technology (IPL): IPL uses light radiation to target and eliminates pigmented or destroyed hair follicles or skin cells. A medical expert will use a portable instrument to direct numerous light wavelengths onto the skin. This light causes skin cells to heat up and break down. The afflicted tissue is then spontaneously removed by the body.

Diode Laser: It employs a narrow-spectrum laser beam to target particular chromophores in the skin. Compared to other laser treatments like the Alexandrite and Ruby, the 800 nm diode laser wavelength provides the greatest penetration and melanin absorption. This technology works best with thick black hair (the thicker the hair, the greater the pigment). 

Alexandrite Laser: An alexandrite uses an alexandrite crystal as its laser source or medium. The alexandrite laser emits light at a particular wavelength in the infrared range (755 nm). It is classified as a red light laser. This technology is also available in Q-switched configurations.

How One Prepares for the Treatment?

Before removing laser hair, talk with the doctor to determine if the treatment is best. The expert will probably conduct the following:

  • Examine the medical records, including medications, skin diseases or scarring history, and previous hair removal operations.
  • Address the dangers, advantages, and expectations of laser hair removal and what it can and cannot achieve for the patient.
  • Capture images for before-and-after comparisons and long-term evaluations.
  • Discuss a treatment regimen and associated charges during the appointment. 

In addition, the doctor will provide advice for preparing for laser hair removal. They might include:

  • Staying away from the sun 
  • Lightening the skin (in case of a recent tan or for those with darker skin)
  • Avoiding other hair removal methods. 
  • Strictly avoiding blood thinning medications. 
  • Shaving the treatment area before opting for the procedure and also between the sessions.  

Laser Hair Removal Process 

The doctor applies a hand-held laser device to the skin. Depending on the laser type, a cooling device or a cool gel can be applied to safeguard the skin and reduce the chance of side effects.

When the laser is activated, the laser beam passes through the skin to the hair follicles. The laser’s intense heat destroys the follicles, inhibiting hair growth. One may experience discomfort, such as a pinprick, as well as a sense of coolness from the gel or a cooling device.

A tiny region, like the upper lip region, may only need a short treatment time. A larger region like the back may take longer to treat.

Post-Laser Hair Removal Treatment Instructions 

  • The recovery period after the treatment is short, and most patients may resume their usual routines immediately. 
  • Using sunscreen before the operation is vital, but so is continuing to use it thereafter. This will assist in avoiding additional irritability.
  • Immediately following the treatment, one may notice a reduced hair volume in the treated area. 
  • One may observe a spike in hair growth in the treated region two to eight weeks following laser hair removal. 
  • This is because not all follicles respond identically to the laser treatment. 
  • After the initial treatment, most patients have a 10% to 25% loss in hair. Permanent hair loss usually requires three to eight treatments. 
  • The pre-procedure examination with the specialist will clarify how many therapy sessions one may require. 
  • One will also require a touch-up session once a year to maintain the results.

Why Are Follow-Up Sessions Required?

  • In order to maximize the benefits of laser hair removal, follow-up sessions are required. The number of maintenance laser sessions required varies per individual.
  • They must also be spaced by six weeks, implying that the therapy cycle might take about nine months.
  • One may see fewer hair after each session. Any remaining or regenerating hair will be lighter in color and texture.
  • Also, for optimum results, one may require scheduled maintenance sessions. They aid in preventing hair follicle regeneration. 
  • After the initial round of laser treatment, one may require a maintenance session once or twice a year, depending on your specific needs.

If looking for a laser hair reduction treatment in Bangalore, consult Dr. Rajdeep Mysore, the laser expert at Charma Clinic.

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